Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Curve in My First Week!!

Well, my first week didn't go exactly as planned.  I woke up Monday morning with a stomach bug so I was definitely not feeling like exercising!!  On the positive side, I didn't want to eat anything either!!  I was feeling lousy for the better part of the week, so things did not go the way I wanted them to.  Oh well, that is life. 

I did manage to loose 3 pounds without a lot of effort.  Thank you stomach bug.  On another note, my kitchen is stocked full of fruits, veggies, and lean meats.  I have said goodbye to bad snacks and hello to healthy ones.  Tomorrow, I will be making homemade hummus for the first time.  I fell in love with it over New Year's weekend when we went to a Middle Eastern restaurant.  It was delicious!  I will be using this as a healthy veggie dip.

My big challenge in these first few weeks will be giving up liquid weight gain.  Yes, everyone, I am addicted to Coke.  I can do without the caffeine but I think what I am really addicted to is the carbonation.  I do not like diet products.  The artificial sweeteners give me a migraine and I really hate the after taste.  I did some research on alternatives for carbonated drinks.  I think I am going to pick up some club soda and sweeten it with a little fruit juice.  I know I can't live off of this but it will give me a little pick-me-up when I need one.

I know this is a short post but I don't have much to report!!  Until next time, God's blessings on your week!


  1. After reading this, I think you should def. get a copy of Lysa T Made to Crave--She really drives home the choice to make getting control of your diet a spritiual journey. Not only that, but she's a busy mom to 5 and super funny!!

    Good Luck Jesus Girl~ :)

  2. 3 lbs is 3 lbs. Not the most desirable way to get it though!
