Sunday, January 2, 2011

'Twas the night before...

This is my first official try in the blogging world.  This will be a work in process, so please bear with me.  I wanted to write this blog to give myself some accountability.  You see, I have some big curves in my life.  I have had to go through curves before but these curves are going to take a lot of hard work, dedication, and some big life changes to get through.  The curves I am talking about are the ones presently residing on my five foot ten frame. 
I don't mind being curvaceous, actually my husband prefers it.  Lately, the curves have gotten out of control!  This blog will serve as my "weigh in" so to speak.  I thought blogging about a problem that many people in this country have would be very cathartic for me.  I don't care if anyone reads it.  Don't get me wrong,  followers will be great but I am doing this for my health.    You see,  I weigh the most I have ever weighed in my life.  This is a new thing to me.  I was very fortunate,  I did not struggle with my weight as a child.  I was able to eat anything without regret.  I was very active and had a high metabolism.  But the last ten years of my life have been up and down, on the scale I mean.  This is were my curves will begin. 

Tomorrow, I will be getting up, sending the kids off to school, and then going into the workout room.  I have to confess, exercise and I don't get along.  I am not one of those people who get "high" from working out.  But I am tired of my size and tired of , well, being tired so I must change my lifestyle.  This is going to be a struggle and it is going to be painful!  I am looking forward to seeing myself shrink and not being in shock when I see myself in a photo!

Until the next post, wish me good luck on my first day of the  new Dana!


  1. YAY! You've finally joined the blogging world!!!!

  2. Thank, Jen! Any tips will be appreciated!

  3. I’m happy to find your blog! The interesting thing is that I spent $200 at the grocery for my 10 day “slim down” diet regimen that I am starting tomorrow, as well! I also received the “AB Circle Pro” that I asked for, for Christmas that I plan to incorporate. As you may remember…I really don’t even like to walk fast, so this last 15 lbs from the baby is not coming off very fast! I refuse to have another baby until I get this weight off…and we both know I am getting older! HA

    I hope you keep the blog up. I think it may help hold me accountable, WHICH I NEED DESPARETELY! While I am not about to post my weight…I will try to keep you abreast of the weight loss totals! Good luck on your journey! ~Kitty

  4. #1 for yourself, not for others. Blog parties are a great way to find new blogs/friends, but so many of them have crazy rules about who you have to follow and whatnot. Sure, it's nice to have hundreds of followers, but if they're not READERS, does it really matter? Also, when you have readers vs followers, they're going to leave motivational comments, not just "I'm following your blog" or something meaningless like that.

    blog tip #2 FACEBOOK! set up your networked blogs app so your friends and family will see your updates. That's your real support group; make it easy for them to follow along.

    Good luck on the journey! My goal is to work on portion control. I love food. I am simply not willing to give up any food, but I am going to try to watch how much of it I eat.

  5. Welcome to the blogosphere! I did a weightloss blog years ago and it was so helpful for me accountability wise.

    Love the blog name. Can't wait to see the changes ahead for you :)

  6. Dana,

    Great blog! I admire your honesty...and hey, oh...don't be so quick to say this will be struggle. You are stronger than you think. If I can provide any ideas for your workout, just let me know.
